
Making Preparations

Spring is impending, and we’ve started planning what we’re going to do in the garden this year. Thus far we’ve already received 3 seed catalogues, and our first subscription issue of BBC Gardener’s World Magazine, which has got me excited enough to create a Trello board called Garden and start creating tickets.

It’s all still coming together, but some things we definitely want to do include:

  • Put up a wire along the top of the western side of the kitchen to make a string trellis - last year’s tomato plants turned into an impenetrable jungle because I never staked them properly
  • Grow some heirloom tomatoes - last year’s Generic Red Tomatoes were all very well, but this looks like much more fun
  • Grow a load of chillis - we have many, many seeds from last year’s crop
  • Grow carrots and beans and stuff in our new raised beds which are currently resting under tarps having been loaded with horse poop at the end of last summer
  • Make a pond - we still have all the wood that the tree-surgeons left after next door’s tree came down so we’ll dig a shallow hole and build up the sides with logs
  • Have a load of barbecues, obviously

Alongside all the usual herbs and flowers and stuff. I feel a trip to Crews Hill coming on…

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